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Artist Statement:

I use my camera the way many artists use a pencil. It’s with me all the time, looking for and capturing, in a moment, everyday things: cracks in the sidewalk, the grain in a stump of wood, moss or grass growing through asphalt, light on a path, the velvet texture of a flower petal. 


I look for the contrasts: the places where rough meets smooth, light meets dark, order meets chaos, culture meets nature. The goal is to capture the everyday, the mundane, the insignificant and transform them, through the focus of my lens, into a unique and compelling view. The quickness of capturing a photographic image sits in a dialectical relationship to the time and effort in creating an object in glass or a plate for printing. Sustaining meaning between the moment of inspiration and the realization of the artwork is the purpose of my studio practice.

My recent work explores the relationship between memory and object and how both come together to create the landscape particular to a life. Experience is imprinted with some of the details pulled into a sharp focus, crystallizing and distilling a moment, encapsulating an idea, a sound, a touch, while others distort, soften, blur, fade and even disappear.

Artist Bio:

Trudy Barnes was born in Pensacola, Florida. She received her BA with Honors in History of Science and Anthropology from the University of Florida in 1997 and her BA

with Honors from the Welsh School of Architectural Glass in Swansea, Wales in 2007. 


Barnes has exhibited her work internationally at New Designers in London and the

National Waterfront Museum in Swansea, Wales. U.S. exhibitions include the Umpqua Valley Arts Association in Roseburg, OR, Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara and

Public Glass in San Francisco. 


Barnes has received several scholarships, awards and a residency at Glasmalerei Peters Studio in Paderborn, Germany. She has been commissioned to create work for private residences in the Greater Bay Area.

A passion for photography and gardening inform the conceptual development of her studio practice. In addition, she teaches art to children through the non-profit group Art in Action located in Menlo Park. Trudy currently lives and works in Redwood City, CA.

In the Studio

In the Studio

Photopolymer Intaglio: etching ink on BFK Rives paper / 15” x 11” / $220, unframed

Vignettes I

Vignettes I

Photopolymer Intaglio: etching ink on BFK Rives paper / 11” x 15” / $220, unframed



Photopolymer Intaglio: etching ink on BFK Rives paper / 8” x 10” / $75, unframed



Photopolymer Intaglio: etching ink on BFK Rives paper / 8” x 10” / $75, unframed



Photopolymer Intaglio: etching ink on BFK Rives paper / 8” x 10” / $75, unframed

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